Monday, November 21, 2011

What happened when a 19 Year Old Father Got a LIFE Call?

The TEAM and it's Business called LIFE (founders #12 and #7 Leadership experts Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady, respectively) make all the difference for so many people by getting them the correct information and association.

Here is a testimony of TEAM LIFE from a great student on our team that we just had to share. A contacting session at a Major Leadership convention, led us to a gentleman who introduced us to Joe and Tori Blackburn and their daughter Lilian. Hilary and I have been so proud of these guys and how they have been open to change and an opportunity to impact their lives forever. A dream to provide for his family and a supportive wife, drove a hunger to learn that has advanced this young couple to dig in and find an opportunity for victory in a world that is full of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. They truly have a can do attitude.

One example is as Joe comments on, his solution to overcoming a financial obstacle to participate in the training system, was to quit smoking cold turkey. The simple solution was to shut off cable, but at that time that would have effected the rest of his family. So the one thing that he could control was a habit that was standing in the way of allowing him the opportunity for victory.

There is no doubt in my mind that these guys will find victory in TEAM LIFE. Only being involved a short time, they are already on track to hit first time go getter for the Dec 10th seminar. I hope this touches your heart like these guys have for Hilary and I. We all have a "Dream, Struggle, Victory" story inside us that is just waiting for a "YES TO LIFE" to awaken the true leader inside of us. Enjoy and God Bless!!!!! Here is a bit of Joe's testimony in an email to me:

" Hey buddy I'm going to call you tonight and ask you about three C's and I have 8 F's and some guy just retired. ( Next day) " Hey i forgot to call you last nite but i want you to come to my house tonight. I've got some guys coming over and i will let you talk to one and you can get a free book and some CDs like me."

Never in a million years did i think that would be the beginning of a huge turning point in my life. I am so glad that I decided to go that night and that my friendship was strong enough to "take a look."

Due to the information I got that night and some good people who were interested in my needs for some strange reason, I've experienced change, Not in clothing or cars, but a change in views, a change in direction, and a change in heart. I have detected a purpose, discovered strengths, grown, learned, smiled, cried, dreamed, struggled, and even won! And because of the sanguine I am, I woke up the next day and did it again. Its amazing the results that come out of life when you can put in a system of information that the TEAM/LIFE has.

The truths told are undeniable. Such as:

1)  What a true leader is and what it means to lead your household.

2)  I realized that me working hard was great but not when my ladder was leaning against the wrong wall. So I've gone from poor to broke,

3)  I've become a former smoker,

4)  and a follower of all who truly have fruit on the tree.    

5)  This information and the team has been a humbling beginning on the start of this journey because I now truly appreciated life in ways I did not before.

6)  Instead of smoking, I save,

7)  Instead of T.V .I  read,

8)  Instead of radio, I learn and grow

9)  Instead of playing, I perform. 

10)  I've recently been promoted in work because of the personal development I have received through the training system. 

11)  I have a lifelong obligation to get this into as many homes as possible. 

12)  The quality time spent with a T.V. is now spent with my daughter and wife.

13)  The money that was wasted is now invested.

14)  The desires that were dreams are now a mere future...and what was once lost is now found.   

I am so thankful for the TEAM and LIFE and Orrin and Laurie Woodward, Chris and Terri Brady and so many more. And I invite everyone to go get your dreams. Jump on this opportunity. Believe in yourself and Don't Give Up! We were meant for something more! I believe we were meant for a million more! This is your life. Make it count!       God Bless!

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