Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The best Home based business period!

There is a current post on Orin Woodward's Blog "Dreams, Dramas, & Creative Destruction" that would help me to explain one reason why I'm so excited to be able to offer the best business on the planet. Which if you are any kinda of Team LIFE business builder at all you should read it near daily and point others to it.  Think! What business owner doesn't read his top trade articles as a staple to success for "sharpening his saw, regularly?"  Think also!  What other trade has two top 12 leadership experts writing specifics for your success? Orrin Woodward's and Chris Brady's insights are awesome!   Anyway here is an excerpt with "Some of the facts, Jack!"
"Orrin Woodward: LIFE is striking at the foundations of the old networking business model. It is taking the best examples of leadership, community building, and life coaching, and marrying them together into a digital age busines Anyways. The benefits to the consumer are lower prices, higher rewards, and best value proposition, making the risk/reward ratios the best in the history of networking.
I have yet to see any legitimate criticisms of the LIFE business model and I am not shocked by this. How can anyone criticize these improvements on the current benchmarks in the profession?
1. LIFE is attracting numerous customers. In fact, one member had a customer sign up over ten customers in two days! You heard me correctly. I said a customer just signed up ten other customers so that he and several of his friends can enjoy their products for free through the three for free program.
2. LIFE has the lowest monthly subscription price on the market – ($50 to $125).
3. The leadership information is taught around the globe on the principles taught from two Wall Street Journal and New York Times best selling authors and Top 30 leadership gurus.
4. LIFE has meetings anywhere in the USA and Canada thanks to internet streaming technology.
5. LIFE flows close to 70% of the PV revenue back to its members (the highest in the industry to my knowledge).
6. LIFE has a 30 day no questions asked return policy. We want satisfied customers or your money back.
7. LIFE products already have thousands of satisfied users. Our best product is the changed lives of our customers and members.
8. The TEAM community building techniques have been benchmarked by nearly every other networking company, with many of the top networking leaders already customers of TEAM’s business building materials.
If any legitimate analyst would like to compare LIFE’s break-away compensation plan with any of the other break-away business models, then I am more than happy to do so. Show me any company that has a break-away compensation plan that rewards its members better? Since no other break-away pays up to 50% on the first type of bonus, I don’t think they really want to go there. In fact, it’s probably why they haven’t. In addition, when the older models pay 4% leadership bonus and LIFE pays 8%, I can see the need to deflect attention from that anyway they can. More telling, when the older models pay a 1% depth bonus and LIFE pays 4%, maybe the “no comment” policy is the right option. :) Lastly, when the older models pays no depth bonus after three legs, but LIFE compensates another 2% bonus on six legs, it becomes clear why the cat has got their tongue. Another 1% is the reward for nine legs over with further bonuses continuing through eighteen legs currently."
I think of all the good that can be done with a successful business that builds with a community striving to be better in the areas of the 8F's I'm proud to be associated with Men and women leading their families with financial wisdom.  I love being able to offer people who are struggling with faith, the same books and CDs that helped me get answers.  I so enjoy seeing marriages fortified and even being saved.  I'm inspired as I watch men become  heroes to their wives as they learn from others and the Life information what it looks like to be a leader and a person of character and then fight with a purpose to help others do the same. 
We need more men and women of character in this country.  We need strong families and family values!  We need finances to help us propogate our freedoms to create that kind of community that has the ability to turn back the destruction of our country. We need you to take LIFE and live it as if it's our last chance to fix what is broken before its too late!
Money, time, and information are tools! What you do with them make all the difference! 
God Bless
Mark Haas
Please comment on What are you most excited about in the LIFE business!

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