Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Life Testimony of Angelica Dames

 How One woman Learned so much from LIFE and the Proper association.

When I look at myself today, I sometimes wonder how in the world did I get here? If you could have seen me five years ago, you would completely understand what I mean. How did an extremely shy and insecure girl get involved in a people business, of all things, and actually see some results? I'm not talking financial results, we have seen those as well, but more importantly internal results.
  When I was younger I was very shy, so shy that my mom did everything she could think of to help me break out of my shell. It was the first day of school in fourth grade, and my teacher was doing roll call. When she came to my name she mis-pronounced it, being a Spanish name, it happens quite often. Instead of just speaking up and telling her it was wrong, I just allowed her to call me by the wrong name, and for the next five years (yes, FIVE years) my friends and teachers were still calling me by this mis-pronunciation of my name!! It drove my mother crazy, and she couldn't understand why I wouldn't correct everyone. You're probably thinking the same thing! I was so shy that I would rather be called the wrong name than speak up in class and correct her!
I tell you that because sometimes you see someone in this LIFE business, and you see the finished product. You see them all polished and think they have it all figured out, and that they have never had struggles.  I certainly thought that when looking at all of the leading ladies. I remember thinking there is no way I would ever be able to get enough courage to speak on stage. There is no way this information can give me the confidence of a Laurie Woodward, or the grace of a Terri Brady. I thought only a certain type of person could make it in this business. I didn't realize that i could become that type of leading lady through reading, growing, and implementing the information.
I am so thankful for people like Mark and Rita Haas and Kevin and Emily Cobb who saw something in me that I was too blind to see in myself! Sometimes you have to go on someone else's belief for awhile until you can gain it yourself!
  Of all the blessings I have gained from being a part of Team, the one that I treasure the most is my relationship with Christ. I never would have dreamed that through this I would find Christ and ask him into my life. To see my husband take control and be the spiritual leader in our home has been amazing, and because of that, my children are so hungry to learn.
  I look at my relationship with Josh, and although we thought our marriage was good, and it was, I never imagined it could be great!  With great books like A Woman After Gods Own Heart, Love and Respect, For Women Only, and The Five Love Languages, I was able to learn how to be a Godly wife and give him the respect he deserves. Not only did I learn the information, but I had amazing examples in Rita and Terri to help me along the way.
  It makes me cringe to think about where we would be right now, had it not been for those two amazing strangers coming into our lives! We are eternally grateful, and consider it an honor to be a part of this amazing journey called LIFE!  God Bless!
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