Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Team Maximus LIFE Submitted Gogetter Recognition for Week of 11/20/11

Congrats to the Go-getters last week. (11/20/11) People are Excited about the LIFE business

Go-getter is 15 plans per month...average about 4 plans per week. Each week Tuesday we will Post all the submitted (to mrteam@swbell.net) Team Maximus Go-getters from the previous week. If you have some Team Members missing please email their names, Town and email to mrteam@swbell.net.



Adam and Lynn Alley

Accidental Previous Week omission Congrats Chad!

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

LIFE's Rewards Outweigh the Risk

After reading the following paragraphs of Orrin Woodward's recent blog post entitled "LIFE: Downside Risk & Upside Reward", I thought back to the first time Sarah and I were introduced to the networking profession.  
“So what is the downside risk in this model? Hmm, let me think. . . The downside risk is that you might not enjoy the leadership training from two best selling leadership authors and business partners. If at any time you do not see the value in the leadership materials, you have a 30 day “no questions asked” return policy. Certainly within 30 days, you could discover whether the leadership materials is helping you or not, right? 
The downside risk is negligible. But what about the upside reward? With a compensation plan that pays out 70% revenue points to anyone who achieves a minimum of 150 points of business, the networking game is changed forever.” 
As our great friends Brandon & Kristina Brazier shared the information, our thought process was:  “So you are telling me that we are going to subscribe to great principle-based leadership information from people with fruit on the tree (as opposed to those with only an opinion), associate with positive people who genuinely have a vested interest in helping others (as opposed to those who focus only on themselves), and have an opportunity to create a pipeline income over time (instead of the 45 year plan)?  There is no commitment and I can vote with my wallet?  As Orrin says, this became an IQ test.  Sign me up! 
Because we “took the downside risk” our lives have changed dramatically in each of the 8Fs in a positive way.  I would like to thank my amazing (graceful) wife Sarah, an awesome team of Rascals, our coaches Chris & Marcia Robinson, our mentors Mark & Rita Haas, along with Chris & Teri Brady, Orrin & Laurie Woodward and the LIFE founders for having the vision and hunger to make a positive impact in this world by first growing themselves and then helping others grow - to a million and beyond!
Please share your LIFE  "downside risk & upside reward " story and post to FB.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Are you Blob or a Wheel in The Circle of LIFE?

The Circle of LIFE an Article Orrin Woodward, one of the world's top 25 Leadership Gurus just posted, helps people understand what the LIFE Business stands for.   Chris Brady is the author and  states in that article:

"In each of the 8 F categories of Faith, Family, Finances, Fitness, Following, Freedom, Friendship, and Fun, one can imagine a certain grade based upon how one is doing in that category. In the diagram the center represents horrible, as in, you are totally “stinking up the joint” (as my kids say) in a certain category. Working your way out from the center to the outer ring in any of the categories represents a stronger grade.  So someone with a dot near the outer ring is doing well in that category.  By connecting the dots on your subjective personal estimation of your life at this moment in each of the categories you can come up with a shape that roughly represents your life right now in each of the 8Fs.

Quite simply, the LIFE business supplies life-changing information to help you increase your score in each of the 8Fs.  The goal is to take someone from the not-so-good black shape represented toward the center of the diagram to the much improved (and happier, we would think) life represented by the red outline toward the outer ring of the circle.

Who doesn’t have at least a category or two, or three, or eight, in which he or she would like to have a better score? Who wouldn’t want to transform his or her life from the tiny blob (and who among us hasn’t felt like a tiny blob from time to time?) in the center to the big wheel (and who hasn’t wanted to be a big wheel at least once in his or her life?) toward the outer ring?
That’s it.  From little blob to big wheel."
I challenge you as an American, or some who lives in America the "Home of the Brave and the Land of the Free"  to be all you can be and to grow yourself to your potential.  The toughtest thing you will have to face will not be personal growth in the areas of the 8 f's. It will be at the end of your LIFE,  the man or woman you are, meeting the man or woman you could have been. Be a circle not a blob!  I recommend Signing up for Twitter to follow Orrin Woodward (@Orrin_Woodward). NYTimes/WSJ Best Seller-Launching a Leadership Revolution, HR World Top 100 Blogger,
God Bless

What happened when a 19 Year Old Father Got a LIFE Call?

The TEAM and it's Business called LIFE (founders #12 and #7 Leadership experts Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady, respectively) make all the difference for so many people by getting them the correct information and association.

Here is a testimony of TEAM LIFE from a great student on our team that we just had to share. A contacting session at a Major Leadership convention, led us to a gentleman who introduced us to Joe and Tori Blackburn and their daughter Lilian. Hilary and I have been so proud of these guys and how they have been open to change and an opportunity to impact their lives forever. A dream to provide for his family and a supportive wife, drove a hunger to learn that has advanced this young couple to dig in and find an opportunity for victory in a world that is full of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. They truly have a can do attitude.

One example is as Joe comments on, his solution to overcoming a financial obstacle to participate in the training system, was to quit smoking cold turkey. The simple solution was to shut off cable, but at that time that would have effected the rest of his family. So the one thing that he could control was a habit that was standing in the way of allowing him the opportunity for victory.

There is no doubt in my mind that these guys will find victory in TEAM LIFE. Only being involved a short time, they are already on track to hit first time go getter for the Dec 10th seminar. I hope this touches your heart like these guys have for Hilary and I. We all have a "Dream, Struggle, Victory" story inside us that is just waiting for a "YES TO LIFE" to awaken the true leader inside of us. Enjoy and God Bless!!!!! Here is a bit of Joe's testimony in an email to me:

" Hey buddy I'm going to call you tonight and ask you about three C's and I have 8 F's and some guy just retired. ( Next day) " Hey i forgot to call you last nite but i want you to come to my house tonight. I've got some guys coming over and i will let you talk to one and you can get a free book and some CDs like me."

Never in a million years did i think that would be the beginning of a huge turning point in my life. I am so glad that I decided to go that night and that my friendship was strong enough to "take a look."

Due to the information I got that night and some good people who were interested in my needs for some strange reason, I've experienced change, Not in clothing or cars, but a change in views, a change in direction, and a change in heart. I have detected a purpose, discovered strengths, grown, learned, smiled, cried, dreamed, struggled, and even won! And because of the sanguine I am, I woke up the next day and did it again. Its amazing the results that come out of life when you can put in a system of information that the TEAM/LIFE has.

The truths told are undeniable. Such as:

1)  What a true leader is and what it means to lead your household.

2)  I realized that me working hard was great but not when my ladder was leaning against the wrong wall. So I've gone from poor to broke,

3)  I've become a former smoker,

4)  and a follower of all who truly have fruit on the tree.    

5)  This information and the team has been a humbling beginning on the start of this journey because I now truly appreciated life in ways I did not before.

6)  Instead of smoking, I save,

7)  Instead of T.V .I  read,

8)  Instead of radio, I learn and grow

9)  Instead of playing, I perform. 

10)  I've recently been promoted in work because of the personal development I have received through the training system. 

11)  I have a lifelong obligation to get this into as many homes as possible. 

12)  The quality time spent with a T.V. is now spent with my daughter and wife.

13)  The money that was wasted is now invested.

14)  The desires that were dreams are now a mere future...and what was once lost is now found.   

I am so thankful for the TEAM and LIFE and Orrin and Laurie Woodward, Chris and Terri Brady and so many more. And I invite everyone to go get your dreams. Jump on this opportunity. Believe in yourself and Don't Give Up! We were meant for something more! I believe we were meant for a million more! This is your life. Make it count!       God Bless!

Please share and Like on FB ect and leave comments about this fine and courageous family!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Team Maximus November Seminar Recognition

Sorry for the tardiness of the Posting, but here is the submitted recognition for the November 5th Seminar. We are proud of each and everyone of you for your achievements. if You have a Team member that is missing please email their achievement to mrteam@swbell.net. Please leave comments below congratulating your teams!

Round Table Members

Turbo 50

Turbo 10
Jonny and Angela Noland
Team 100
Chris and Hilary Dorr
Nicole MccurryChad knightBrad n Sierra Veale
Camren CrossJP n Sara DunnLucas n Amy Bryson
Chris HaubnerKevin n Rebecca SchweikertDoug Lensing
Mike and Jessica Hilmes
Joe and Tori BlackburnEugene O'LaughlinSydnee Kuster
James MelegritoLenny and Erika SanchezRegina Woolfolk
Julie LowerAndy and Torie EcklerRoyce and Robin Hardesty
Gabrielle Schweikert

Levi Grahm

Barry Cline

Monte and Mary RhodesKelly and Angie GattsAmanda Mccurry
Evan BurnhamDaniel Brinager
Levi and Laurie WardMo and Marsha Ward

Team Maximus November Seminar Recognition

Sorry for the tardiness of the Posting, but here is the submitted recognition for the November 5th Seminar. We are proud of each and everyone of you for your achievements. if You have a Team member that is missing please email their achievement to mrteam@swbell.net. Please leave comments below congratulating your teams!

Round Table Members

Turbo 50

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Are you throwing a way your opportunities and you dont even know it?

I just read an article titled  The Baby & the Bath Water by Orrin Woodward.  The following is the beginning excerpt I am referring to:

"Have you ever heard the quote, “Don’t throw the baby out with the dirty bath water?” I certainly have used this principle repeatedly over the years. Sadly, too many times, people do throw the baby and the bath water out because they do not understand fully the concept described in Chapter 5 of the new RESOLVED book – Plan, Do, Check, and Adjust (PDCA). Remember, anytime you throw out the baby, you also throw out your opportunity. It’s been my experience that anything worth doing is worth doing poorly until you can do it great. The key is to have emotional intelligence to persist while improving."

I remember when I had just attended a business meeting about ten years ago in the industry of relational marketing.  I was so clueless then.  I thought it was an internet marketing business and I would be able to run a successful business with out having to deal with people. You know, blast out emails, find someone else to do it, put flyers on cars ect.  I think that is what we want naturally. We want something easy where ywe don't have to expose ourselves to the inconsistent behavior of people.

Coming from a pretty dysfunctional family, being a Foster child at age 15 and mainly on my own since 15, my people skills and self-esteem were of the worst you could ever find.  So when I learned that I was really not involved in a product business but a people business, I was so tempted to "throw the baby out with the bathwater."  I remember reading in one of the top five books that "low self esteem means friction and trouble.  I sure did relate to that.

I almost made the mistake of thinking since I wasn't a people person, I could not succeed in a people business.  But what happened was I began reading and listen to CDs from TEAM and The Life Business and they helped me think of not my problem but a solution.  For some reason an untrained brain naturally lead us to think of excuses instead of solutions. Excuses are easier and let us off the hook.  They keep the pressure off. They justify (to ourselves but not others) why we don't have to try or change.

Don't ever for get that the value of something is proportional to the price paid to achieve it.  If you don't ever pay a price to achieve something you will feel less valuable, I assure you.  God made you great and he is the author of self satisfaction (the emotional reward you get when your maximize the gifts God gave you). Funny thing is that if you don't pay the price of achievement then you will pay the price of stagnation and again you will feel less valuable.

Excuses destroy and solutions create.  Just because you are not good at something now, has no bearing upon your ability to become good or great at something.

For example, Instead you saying "I don't have any money" think  instead:  "How do I develop a plan to get money" or "what are others in my situation doing to get money?"

Instead of saying my marriage is bad, ask yourself: "what can I do to take personal responsibility to make my marriage better and where can I find some good information to help me" and "Can I find other people who have good marriages and learn from them?"

Instead of saying I don't have any people skills, ten years ago I said: "What materials does the TEAM and LIFE Business have that I can learn to develop great people skills?"  I tell you that line of thinking has made all the difference in our lives.  Have a "can do" or "can learn to do" mentality because , with God all things are possible, for those who believe.(mark 9:23) Your willingness to learn an act upon a can do mentality is the only real proof you have any faith in your creator. "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." (James 2:26)

Here is the brutal FACT. An excuse is simply ones admission that they are unwilling to seek out a solution. And usually that solution has been identified by someone else already.  People are overconfident in their thinking but under confident in their ability to learn and implement new ideas and strategies. I thank God for The Team and The Life Business. Ten years ago, I was an excuse maker. It is by a thin thread that I resisted the temptation to make excuses for my lack of people skillsand quit the industry I knew so little about.   We kept the Baby and Filtered the Bath water every day and will continue to do so.  I hope you do also, for you are to be the light and salt of the world (Matthew 5:13).

God Bless

Mark Has

Mark 9:23 NKJV

Mark 9:23 NKJV Jesus said to him, “If you can believe,all things are possible to him who believes.”

James 2:14-26 NKJV

James 2:14-26 NKJV  What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
18 But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. 19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! 20 But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? 22 Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? 23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.”And he was called the friend of God. 24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.
25 Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way?
26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

Matthew 5:13-16 NKJV

Matthew 5:13-16 NKJV

You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.
14 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Does Team and Orrin Woodward Make a Difference?

Orrin Woodward' and TEAM 's Motto is a Great Motto.  Recently, I was driving along the highway and noticed, to the right, a billboard.  It took me 10 seconds to  drive past, notice, read, internalize, ponder about, and finally come to a conclusion how the message on this billboard would inspire me. The local hospital’s slogan were the only words.  It read, “Make a Difference”.  My eyes were immediately attracted to these 3 words similar to our Team motto being, “Have Fun, Make Money, Make a Difference”.

My thoughts wondered what that same motto would mean to another business.  Most likely, for this hospital, Make a Difference would mean; we will heal your broken bones and give you fast emergency care, or we know just the right medication for your physical healing, you know the list that would go on and on.

For me, and my involvement with The Team founded by Orrin & Laurie Woodward, the slogan Make a Difference has a different meaning.  Nearly unable to find the perfect words for paper, Make a Difference to me means to heal my spirit, give me hope while improving my daily thinking.  Because the Team has lead me through a love of learning, I have access to better thinkers, mentors and positive friends where I most likely would not have found throughout my lifetime.   The Team’s difference has given me a life that completely reduces the negative aspects and elevates and improves everything that is positive about my life.

Recently, some of the ladies on my team got together for a book discussion.  I asked the question, “How has the Team training system improved your life?”  I want to share a few of the responses, in my words.

“We were tired of hanging around our high school friends and needed a group of people going in the same direction.”

“I love my kids growing up in the Team and getting better thinking, they love the cd’s!”  …Her children are 6,4, & 1.

“I overheard my 6 year old daughter sharing the gospel with her cousin which never would have happened before.”

“I have always been a reader of self improvement books and always looked for others who did the same and now I’ve found you!”

A lady who is able to listen to cd’s most of the day said, “I have to take a 20 minute break from cd’s! I love them so much!”

Another lady who was already very involved politically in changing the country said, “The Team has made my life come full circle.  I already had a purpose and the system came along right beside and made that purpose stronger.”

How many businesses could claim to make this kind of “Difference” in people’s lives?

Thank you to Orrin & Laurie Woodward and Chris & Terri Brady for producing a system of information that will Make a Difference one person at a time, one family at a time.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Is your Leadership Short Term Productive but Long Term Destructive? Learn why to mentor here!

Number 7 rated Leadership Guru in the World, Orrin Woodward has an article on his Blog entitled Leadership Polarizes Because Truth is Polarizing.  Reading from the following excerpt:

"As a leader, I have had to make the tough decisions, letting people go (or supporting COO of TEAM, Rob Hallstrand in this process) when performance targets were not being met. It wasn’t personal, but as a professional leader, I am expected to make the tough decisions in order for the community to thrive. I did and will continue to do so as a leader. I also, as the TEAM Chairman, hold the line on people’s character, when they do something that is not in line with the culture or character of the team. I will sit them down from representing the TEAM until the issues are addressed. We are a grace based culture and forgive quickly when people repent from poor character choices. Our objective is always to restore relationships as this helps all of us reach more people. The goal is to confront, teach, and resolve, but if someone refuses to follow this process, they will not be allowed to hurt the rest of the LIFE TEAM community.

Regardless of how much a person complains, he should know that complaining to others (in person or online) will not resolve a character issue. Just as Proverbs 18:17 “The first to state his own case, seems right, Until  another comes and examines him,” it’s only by sitting down and addressing issues like leaders that we learn the truth of the matter. I am happy to report that over the years, numerous relationships have been restored though practicing the Biblical conflict resolution principles taught within TEAM. I pray for the key relationships within each community, for I know this is one of the main ways Satan attempts to destroy movements for good. My advice to the reader is to remain humble, knowing that all of us are blind to our own sins, staying open to “learning moments” from each conflict resolution process. I know I certainly have learned a ton from the conflict resolution process over the years."

in the book quote overcoming the five dysfunctions of a team quote the author discusses

1) the absence of trust

2) the fear of conflict

3) the lack of commitment

4) the avoidance of accountability

5) the inattention to results

I noticed how Orrin's above two paragraphs discussed things covered in that book.  I recomment that you read it you have not.

I did want to cover something that sometimes is not obvious.  Often times people mistake the need for trust as a need for agreement. This problem demonstrates one of the greatest assertion of pride I think I see in Teams. Because leaders or followers of  leaders disagree it is no reason to exhibit mistrustful behavior.  Often when someone disagrees with someone else the natural but distructive thing they do is to solicit the agreement and sympathy of another persons. (I see it as the Cowards route and I know it well because I used to do it.)

I'd used solicit my wife for her to side with me and be against someone else. It's embarrassing now to think back on what a biblical principal I was violating.

This is very dangerous. It causes division and damage to the whole team.  One of my favorite movies is Crimson Tide with Gene Hackman and Denzel Washington. Denzel is a modern expert via academics on War and Gene is a wise seasoned war hero.

Two Leaders find themselves on Board a USA Nuclear submarine and fighting amongst themselves for the authority and influence to act upon a call to nuclear war with the enemy.  I leave the movie for you to watch to see what a mess the two leaders ended up with.  One thing was for sure, that they had, because of their pride, failed to resolve their differences between themselves, they destroyed a team of people that had been made over so many years of sacrifice.

Leadership requires humility.  Often times strong personalities mistakenly want to turn everyone who disagrees with them into the enemy or someone to compete with.

Here is somethings you should remember:

1)  Be humble. It is important to be a leader.  But if your too big to follow then you will be to small to lead.  Followers need to see their leaders submit to someone's authority.  If not, all you will teach by your actions eventually is how not to be a follower.  A real leader never expects someone to do what they will not.  If you are not being mentored (which incidentally is very different from being coached) then you will create a whole team of people who do not mentor. A team that does not mentor turns into a self destructive force.

2)  Competition is good and does create cooperation if done with the right spirit of win win and the right heart.  Doing it to prove someone else wrong is a recipe for disaster.  Someone's spite for another person can not be easily hidden. And unless you are really fighting an enemy and everyone knows it, you shouldn't be fighting but instead creating ways to collectively win together.

3)  As a leader who also follows, remember that no one is perfect.  The person you are following may make mistakes or goes in the wrong direction once in a while. It is not required for you to agree with them to follow.  It is not a democracy. A good leader will fix his mistakes. Keeping everyone unified in the wrong direction for a moment is better than dividing everyone into their own "what they think is right" direction. Discretion is the enemy of duplication and hence the enemy of  leadership.

It doesn't mean a leader has a free ticket excusing him from adressing character flaws.  Character flaws must be addressed using Conflict resolution methods.  But I'm not talking about character flaws in my explanation of being a good follower to be a good leader.   I'm talking about a difference in opinion of methods of directions or path to the agreed upon destination.

Ignore these items above and also in "The five dysfunctions of a Team" and you my find quick temporary growth in a Team as all strong and excited personalities can make happen but long tern it will destroy itself.

Ask questions and comment!

God Bless


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A leader teaches alot more if the are willing to learn more than they are demanding teach
The 5 dysfunctions of a team-absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability, & inattention to results

Monday, November 7, 2011

IS the LIFE MLM with Orrin Woodward a SCAM? Uncover the Truth here!


Most People think MLMs are a Scam.  One of the newest ones to launch involving Orrin Woodward, Chris Brady, Mark Haas and many others recently is
The LIFE business.

  Here is a Cartoon I made which details many misconceptions I have experienced in the Ten Years I have been exposed to this industry.


IS the LIFE MLM with Orrin Woodward a SCAM? Uncover the Truth here!


Most People think MLMs are a Scam.  One of the newest ones to launch involving Orrin Woodward, Chris Brady, Mark Haas and many others recently is
The LIFE business.

  Here is a Cartoon I made which details many misconceptions I have experienced in the Ten Years I have been exposed to this industry.


Team Maximus is Posting all Recognition Weekly - Come view the Leaders!

The Founders of LIFE Orrin Woodward, Chris Brady and the other members are Leaders, Let's Join them!

I will be posting a picture and Summary for all the members of Team Maxumis Recognition weekly.  Examples are Go-Getters, Welcome New LIFE members and their subscriptions including Team System and SOT, ect.  I will do my best to post each week on Tuesday morning that which represents the previous week of "Recognition" up to that Sunday.  Tuesday, Most days I will have it posted By the open meeting and it will be useful information to you and your TEAM for edification purposes.  Please check in and leave comments on people's achievements. As time goes on and we develop some good formats and examples, I will ask each Profit sharer to post their own for their Team here on The Team Maximus Blog.  I will give you publishing rights.  In addition, I will ask Orrin and Chris to frequent the Blog and Leave comments as well, so they can get to know you or your Rising Leaders.  The Blog is not intended to take the place of Team Talk, but is an addition to it.

God Bless

Lets Use our performance in LIFE to influence others for the Greater Good!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Authority naturally flows to those who take responsibility - LIFE BOM
Unbelief Is always anchored to the present - LIFE BOM

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

When you seek the approval of everyone, you gain the trust of no one