Thursday, December 22, 2011

Angie Ballah's LIFE Testimony Changed her Obligations to Match her Priorities

 Angie Ballah Learns Absolute Truths from Those with Results!

A major turning point in our life was when a friend of ours introduced us to the Team system (eventually leading to THE LIFE BUSINESS), Orrin Woodward, Chris Brady and Mark and Rita Haas. Initially I didn’t review any of the information or attend any of the meetings that were designed to help me change the very thing in my life I had always wanted! I did however make some firm judgments about the Team and its leadership based on the fact that the way they thought was different than my conventional view of earning finances!

I don’t know if anyone else can relate to this thought but I can remember about 5 years into our marriage thinking what went wrong?! I had always been encouraged to follow the priorities that came from the strong family values I was raised with. I had the privilege of growing up in a home with a dad who had and incredible work ethic that allowed my mom to be a stay at home mom. So when my husband, Scott, and I got married and started a family I just assumed I would be able to quit work as a nurse and be able to raise our kids without a career.

It didn’t make sense to me that the priorities I wanted to be first in life were completely out reach! So many people who had influence in my life were telling me how good we must have been doing with our Nurse and engineer income. Over several years of trying to push through to those goals I could feel myself starting to let go of that dream and decide that was just a dream of the past.

Albert Einstein defines insanity as “ doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Insanity was the thinking I was consistently applying in my life and the results showed it! We had accumulated a lot of debt through instant gratification. The debt we had drove that need to keep working and interfered with having time to invest in our kids and each other. The constant diet of mainstream media fed the desire to always keep up with the Jones’ and justify that everyone just lived this way!

The main catalyst for change in our life came when I started to “try out” these TEAM meetings and information Scott was so excited about. I found that through learning absolute truths from people who had the results I wanted in their faith and family lives I could start to expect different results because I had made intentional changes in my thinking and behavior. We began to apply the 3 keys of wealth consistently to our finances to get out of debt and not need to have 2 careers drive our finances.

Taking responsibility for our finances took some of the pressure off our lives and we realized we had a lot of work to do in all areas of what LIFE’s founders call the 8 Fs. The education I have received in the area of family has been priceless. I have gained the courage and competence to homeschool our children and teach them at a foundational age in life the truths that I hadn’t been exposed to until I was almost 30.

I have to say that the TEAM information and people I was “checking out” initially became my passion. Over time it became evident that I could offer the same opportunity to others for them to choose to intentionally change their lives by changing their thinking and habits. I have found that passion grow based on a purpose rooted in changing the culture of a nation that has turned from truth to complacency just as I had over time. If the children we raise today have a foundation of truth then the next generation they raise will be world changers!

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